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书上在总结后接动名词作宾语的动词时,包括了 describe,好像从没见过describe后接动名词的用法啊,请专家说说,describe 后能不能接动名词,谢谢!如题


Those fights are over mates, which is what Dr Arbour suggests was also going on with ankylosaurs.

关于from which的疑惑

定语从句中,which属于关系代词,from which在定语从句中做状语,但which后的句子会缺成分吗?还是一定不缺成分?

请教介词over to的含义

看到一句话 and started shipping the domesticated reindeer over to Alaska.请教可否认为这句话中over to是一个介词短语?如果这句话里如果使用介词to比较over to,在表达含义上有什么区别?


下面一题是一道高考题:I______ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. (2012陕西卷)A. won’t B. can’t C. can D. will 看书上解析说,...

if not better than 是什么意思

Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often as good as, if not better than, an actual performance.

by?bus or by bike中的第二个by可以省略吗

在一张试卷中有这样一组对话:—Are you going to school by bus or bike?—Sometimes by bus and sometimes by bike. 问句中的 by bus or bike 应该是 by bus or by bike 的省略形式,但问题是,英语有这样的省略吗?...


下面一段话中managed,prepared,词义是什么?rules,followed.怎么翻译成:规则,服从对吗?These days,是什么意思?These days, most food in the world is safe,这句话中主语是什么?These days, most food in the...


As I am sure you know by now,our favourite teacher ,Ms.steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US. 在这个句子中,as做什么成分?是插入语吗?还是什么状语从句呢?求解答谢谢!如题

revision test 是什么意思

How about their revision test? Are they through with it?

倍数或分数+bigger than句型中,为什么理解会完全不一样?

A is three times bigger than B 怎么翻译成:A是B的三倍大 = A比B大二倍因此,假如B=1, A=3A is a third bigger than B 怎么翻译成:A比B大三分之一。因此,假如B=1, A=4/3该句,为什么不能按照上句理解成A是B的三...


表示“教做某事”,teach 后接不定式还是接动名词,如“他教弹钢琴”,说成英语是:He teaches playing the piano. 还是He teaches to play the piano. 请专家给予回答(希望有词典上的例句),谢谢!如题


刘,您好!Do you mind Tom opening the window? 你介意汤姆打开窗户吗?请教您一个问题,看你前面回答其他同学问题时,您说上面句子中的 Tom opening the window是动名词复合结构。难道这不是mind 是谓语,Tom是宾...


whatever 一般都是单独使用的,如:Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。Whatever happens, don’t forget to write. 无论怎样别忘...


children as young as seven,as young as seven属于什么短语作定语修饰名词?形容词短语,副词短语还是名词短语,还是介词短语?

