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1. A five year old boy, Tom can speak three languages


Only once these requirements are fully satisfied is the oil allowed tobe sold as certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO).


2019湖北孝感34题—In my opinion, animals shouldn’t be kept for fun.—I think so. Forests are the best places for animals? ______?A. live B. living C. to...

If it be a fault 中的be如何理解

章振邦的新编高级英语语法679页:But this fault, if it be a fault, has been caused by earnest wish to give as much of Shakespeares own words as possible.1) if it be a fault 是什么意思? 为什么...

关于to do作定语/状语

好,One report concludes that many schools do not have, nor are they likely to have, enough computers to use them effectively.请问为什么这里use后面要加them呢?这个结构与I have a lot of work t...

关于should be,should have been的疑问

She should be here by now.=She should have arrived here by now.好像从没看到过She should have been here by nowshould have been here是过去应该在这但现在不在的意思吗那么也应该说She shou...


it was 8 oclock when i came back.when引导的一般解释为时间状从,可是时间状从是告知主句发生的时间。用在本句中不合理。到底如何解释呢?和多位探讨过,均没有很说服人的理由。有什么见解吗?如题

emerge as 如何理解

Now, it seemed, he was emerging as the only man capable of leading the USA into a new future.

?the same as ,as much as 的区别

the same as ,as much as 的区别 1.He sees it as a loss of the sense of common public good and public courtesy,and says that adults suffer from it _____children.A. the same a...


刘请进,关于年龄表达的继续讨论:之前您回答过一个问题,关于年龄的表达的结构分析I (主语)am (系动词)five years(old 的程度状语) old(表语). 此时的中心词是old 名词词组做状语修饰old....


请问wish的宾语从句是否是在只有表达相反事实的时候才虚拟,平时可以用正常的陈述语序?包括之前跟刘讨论过的:He acts as if he had seen the baby.He acts as if he saw the baby.He acts as if...

but for必须要连用虚拟语气吗

书上说:but for 一定要与虚拟语气连用,但这种说法是不是太绝对。如下面这个句子:The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it’s over.它就是不虚拟语气啊!如题

the couple作主语时谓语动词用单数与复数

Thecouple has a high success rate in getting accepted as house sitters and theyalways go beyond the homeowner’s budget.


表示乘火车去某地用什么介词?是用介词to还是for?比如“我决定乘火车去伦敦”,英语是说I decided to take a train to London.还是I decided to take a train for London.请各位指点,谢谢!如题

in the event that...是什么从句

In the event that the factory defaults on the debts,the bank will freeze its account. 请问们, in the event that...后接的是什么类型的从句? 如题

如何理解比较分句as reporters had ever seen him的真正的主语和谓语

Nixon arrived shortly before 7 p.m. as buoyant and good-humoured as reporters had ever seen him=When Nixon arrived shortly before 7 p.m., reporters found him the mo...