in the event that...是什么从句

In the event that the factory defaults on the debts,the bank will freeze its account.

请问们, in the event that...后接的是什么类型的从句?

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? ?in the event that 可以作为引导条件状语从句的从属连词。例如:? ? in the event that(= in case; if)(如果;万一;一旦)? ? In the event that our team wins, there will be a big celebration . 一旦(如果)我队获胜,就会有一个盛大的庆祝活动。/ What will you do in the event that you fail again ? 万一你又失败了,你将怎么办?(摘自《刘毅英语语法宝典》p.524)? ? In the event that?a fire should break out in this densely built-up area, many lives would be lost.倘若这种住宅密集区发生火灾,将会有很多人丧生。(摘自2008年7月第1版《外研社英汉多功能词典》p.709)? ??In the event that?it begins to rain, we shall not come. 如果下雨,我们就不来。(摘自《英汉多功能词典》新编升级版)? ? ?
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