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一下两句话分别加了for和不加for:The forests stretch for hundreds of miles. 森林曼延数百哩。《汉英大词典》Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here. 学生常常赶数百英里的路来...


,我这么断句是否正确?The proportion of one kind of person or thing in a group is the number of people or things of that kind compared to the total number of people or things in the group.of o...


A.What is a space vehicle launching entity required to do?B.What a space vehicle launching entity required to do?A句从六级真题摘抄的,怎么理解,语法正确吗?B句是自己的修改,请问两者...

可以在have sth done 后加上by短语吗

如下面这句:We had the machine repaired. 我们请人修理了机器。可以这样改一下吗?We had the machine repaired by Mr Wang. 我们请王先生修理了机器。我的意思是:在have sth done 结构后可以...

a hundred 还是 one hundred

要表示“一百”是该用 a hundred 还是 one hundred?类似地,要表示“一千”是该用 a thousand 还是 one thousand?要表示“一百万”是该用 a million 还是 one million?如题


如题, 请问如何区别tired,weary,exhausted,fatigued。如题


Stay Home to Study AbroadRecent years, many students choose to go abroad for their further study. Normally, there are two ways for them to afford their life over the seas: scholarships or family contr...


文章的要求是针对在泰国度假就餐时对几位中国年轻人的不良行为进行描述并发表看法满分是15分,麻烦批改再提出建议,谢谢!I spent the Spring Festival withmy family in Thailand this year.We all enjoy this vaca...


They wondered how one so charming and graceful as [em01]he was could have escaped the stain of an age that was at once sordid and sensual. 这句话来自The Picture of Dorian Gray第11章第三段。...


请怎么翻译以下句子:Evidence points to the importance of linking specific harm reducing interventions with social support.如题


下面这段话截取自The Picture of Dorian Gray第四章。请问笑脸后面那个句子为什么要怎么翻译成“议论人家的伤心事其实是很卑鄙的。”而不是“发生在别人身上的悲剧总是十分平庸不值得谈的。”我要这么理解是因为Lord Hen...

句中surprising to us可否改为surprised me

"What was surprising to us was the biggest predictor was not whether they had exerted self-control ," Mr Inzlicht says. Instead, the predictor was the number of temptations they felt...


Just like with lines of latitude, the lines of longitude are numbered to tell you how many degrees east or west they are of the prime meridian.


We worked closely with those experts to set the game design for the two preschool-targeted DS games under development on what we had gathered.给的怎么翻译是 我们和这些专家密切合作,根据搜集来...

more so than中的省略或指代

各位好!A study on couples retirement transitions found that women who took new jobs after retiring from their primary careers reported high marital satisfaction, more than when retiring completely. (...


Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into t...