
下面这段话截取自The Picture of Dorian Gray第四章。请问笑脸后面那个句子为什么要怎么翻译成“议论人家的伤心事其实是很卑鄙的。”而不是“发生在别人身上的悲剧总是十分平庸不值得谈的。”我要这么理解是因为Lord Henry就是那样玩世不恭,只要自己开心就什么都不在乎,又瞧不起穷人的贵族。mean有平庸的意思,about就是关于的意思,并没有“谈论谁”的意思。但是我还是觉得有一点奇怪的就是这个句子要确实像我理解的那样的话,完全可以直接表述成"Other peoples tragedies is always infinitely mean."这个句子那样怎么翻译是否跟这个句子的句式结构有关呢?特别是用了there be句型。

"…She lives with her mother, a faded tiredwoman who played Lady Capulet in a sort of magenta dressing-wrapper on thefirst night, and looks as if she had seen better days."

"I know that look. It depressesme," murmured Lord Henry, examining his rings.

"The Jew wanted to tell me herhistory, but I said it did not interest me."

"You were quite right. [em01]There is alwayssomething infinitely mean about other peoples tragedies."

"Sibylis the only thing I care about. …

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