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名词或者名词词组是可以作状语的,比如:Come this way.They waited hours. Serve the people heart and soul.


在介词+关系代词这种结构中,比如:He is the man on whom I think you can depend.该句中,“介词on+whom引导的宾语从句”作后置定语,换一种说法,是不是也可以讲“介词on+whom引导的宾语从句”所构成的定语从句?


One feels a certain sympathy for Captain Cook on the day in 1778 that he discovered Hawaii.此句话给出的怎么翻译是 提到库克船长在1778年发现夏威夷岛的那一天,人们都会感到惋惜。请问这句话中on the day in...

句末的having fun是什么成分

Everybody likes running around having fun. They are running around having fun.请问, having fun在这两个句子中是作什么的? 是并列的宾语和谓语吗?如题

television repairman 可数吗

Television repairman was a common occupation.这句话中的主语是否应该用复数,如果不用复数也应是the+television repairman或a+television repairman表示泛指,但是这句话中的主语为什么只用单数,难道这里的telev...

will shall疑问

Let us play another game, will you? Let us play another game, shall we?这2个句子都对吗如题

in 加一段时间

It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.出自新概念英语第二册第9课。这里in twenty minutes time=in twenty minute=after twenty minute =twenty minute later。我的理解对吗?如题


The dinosaur is about 95 million years old; it lived during the Cretaceous period and ate only plants which means that it was a herbivore.

adj.+to do做什么成分

He was free to go wherever he liked.


请教们:We take great pleasure in opening the door to this great step in your journey. 中pleasure前有形容词为什么没a,不是有make progress和make a progress吗?先谢谢们了!如题


谢谢mixz专家的解答,但对于说的“has been out也是现在完成时,只是将动作go out 换成了状态be out”, 我有不同看法,我认为:has been out(现在Tom在这儿)与 has gone out (现在Tom不在这儿)矛盾, 因此不应...


介词后面是可以接宾语从句的,如:Pay attention to what you are doing. 注意你做的事。It all depends on how you handle it. 这都取决于你如何处理。I often think about where I met you. 我常想起我见到你的地...

"看故事"为什么用 see a story 而不用 read a story

Ifthat’s hard to understand, let’s keep it as simple as the arugula at the backof my refrigerator. Mike Curtin sees my arugula storyall the time — but for him, it’s more like 12 boxes of donated straw...

have difficulty in doing(介词短语是做状语还是定语)

Young people have difficulty in contacting family."in contacting family"理解为做difficulty的定语好点儿,还是理解为做句子的状语好点儿?如题

对went home的理解

有以下两句话:I went home and mapped out my strategy.我回到家里制定出了我的策略。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》They packed up and went home.他们打点行囊,回家了。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解...

among 与 amid 区别

看到一则辨析,是这样的: 1. among只接复数名词、表人集体名词、复数意义的代词;而amid除此之外还可接单数名词和不可数名词。 2.among表同质关系;而amid表异质关系。例如:她被发现置身于死人之间。She was found...