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China may shorten the time to catch up with Western countries in this field by several decades.

dawn 后面接形容词用作什么成分

Thursday dawned bright and sunny.


When you cut it off, anotherone would grow to take its place.


Congress has criticized government measures to combact crime.

go south不用加to吗

They would go south to the Hudson Bay Company. 不是一定要加to吗? 如题

Welcome是什么词性(Welcome you aboard this plane)

Welcome aboard 请问这里的welcome是形容词么?Welcome you aboard this plane请问这里的welcome是否用作动词? aboard引导状语Welcome you aboard? 这里的welcome也是动词吧?如题

It is time to do sth 中的不定式是定语还是主语

it is time to go home 这句话中 ,to go home是作为time的后置定语,还是作为句子的主语,it是形式主语吗?如题


She grabbed her bag and ran out of the door. 她抓起包就跑出门去。英语可以这样说吗?“跑出门”可以说成 run out of the door 吗?out of 的意思应该是指从里面到外面,难道我们是从“门里出”跑出来吗?其实我们是...

No entry和No entering

No entry和No entering之类的介词后面加名词和动词ing有什么区别?

prohibited是否后置了(?unauthorized reproduction prohibi

unauthorized reproduction prohibited. 这里的prohibited是后置定语修饰前面的吗?如题




You are less of a fool than I thought.=You are less foolish than I thought.than比较分句补全:than I thought (you would be)后面用would be时态正确吗? 还是应该than I thought (you were? 或是 you had been...


一般来说,-ly结尾的词应该是副词吧。比如slowly, quietly, carefully等。但我发现在些有些以-ly结尾的是形容词,比如 friendly。请问英语中以-ly结尾的形容词多吗?主要都有哪些啊!

Have enough of sth中是否需要特指

I had enough of other people 我受够其他人了,enough 用作代词of后面如果接名词通常会接定冠词,形容词性物主代词等修饰, 如enough of your coldness.为什么在上面的例句中没有特指限定词呢?如题

“have a+名词”与“动词”有区别吗

你好!英语如果一个词既可以做名词又可以做动词。那么have a+名词形式,动词形式,有区别吗? 例如:

关于定语从句中含有there is的理解和是否可以去掉

The hands cure quickly, he thought. I bled them clean and the salt water will heal them.The dark water of the true gulf is the greatest healer that there is. (海明威老人与海)真正的海湾里的深色水是世...