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Invalid URL网站打不开怎么办?

Invalid URLThe requested URL "[no URL]", is invalid.Reference #9.a2e83217.1623846715.e761747 网站打不开,显示上面那个,怎么办?

have done/have been done的区别

Whats the difference between "have been done " and "have done"?The difference is whether active / passive.======== ========Lets first see the uses of “been” in English and then we ca...


The artwork highlights the "blindness" of people thinking of data as "objective, unambiguous and interpretation free"thinking of data as "objective, unambiguous and interpretation free"修饰【 "blindne...


我知道,poem是可数名词,意思是“(一首)诗”;poetry是不可数名词,指“诗”的总称。如:It’s a quotation from a poem by Keats. 这句话出自济慈的一首诗。(可数,指一首诗)I have now developed an appreciation...


But that they believed settling the trial would be an important step toward quote"achieving a global resolution and delivering meaningful relief."但他们认为,处理这场审判将是引证“实现全球决议并提供有...

定语从句可用from whose来引导吗?

我见过定语从句中用from which的用法。如下面的句子(从资料上抄的): This is the book from which I got the story. 这就是那本书,从中我读到这个故事。 Where is the book from which you quoted this sentenc...

as it is said ,we are moving into a "cashless


再问“be for...?”

网友hareluyagod说: 例句 A:So you wont blame him? B: Blame is for God and small children 中的B句,不知是啥意思。本人看了《多更能词典》(for的用法共17条),和Luofang专家指明的阅读资料(for的用法共19...


Dynamic and stativeSome verbs can be both action verbs and dynamic verbs depending on their meaning:1. Bebe = it is usually used as a stative verb - stativeHes an excellent guitarist.be = when it mean...

如何理解比较分句as reporters had ever seen him的真正的主语和谓语

Nixon arrived shortly before 7 p.m. as buoyant and good-humoured as reporters had ever seen him=When Nixon arrived shortly before 7 p.m., reporters found him the most buoyant and good-humoured man of...


第22题引用了Oliver的话的目的,我当时做题徘徊在A和D,最后感觉A太笼统,我就选了D选项,因为从字面意思上是觉得学生表现太差了,但书上给的解析是A。 还有这一篇的第24题,拿不准A和C,书上给的解析是A,但感觉原...




上面介绍写的 “4. 百度搜索资源平台对改版规则的校验时间范围为0.5——2小时,改版生效时间范围为12——48小时,整体来看,您从提交改版规则到线上生效,最短12.5小时,最长50小时” 为啥子,已经4个多小时了还没过呢?...

动漫《Vivy -Fluorite Eye’ Song-》在线免费观看在哪个网站可以免费看这个动画片?

动漫《Vivy -Fluorite Eye’ Song-》全集免费在线观看高清版在哪可以看,不要那种有广告,莫名其妙下载APP的在线播放网站,求分享个地址。

动漫《Vivy -Fluorite Eye’ Song》在线免费观看在哪个网站可以免费看这个动画片?

动漫《Vivy -Fluorite Eye’ Song》全集免费在线观看高清版在哪可以看,不要那种有广告,莫名其妙下载APP的在线播放网站,求分享个地址。

