
Dynamic and stative

Some verbs can be both action verbs and dynamic verbs depending on their meaning:

1. Be

  • be = it is usually used as a stative verb - stative
    Hes an excellent guitarist.

  • be = when it means behave or act, it can be used as a an action verb in the continuous form. - dynamic
    You are being silly.

2. Think

  • think = to express an opinion, to believe - stative
    I think its a fantastic idea.

  • think = consider, to reason about or reflect on, ponder, to have or formulate in the mind - dynamic
    I am thinking about my friend

3. Have

  • have = to possess, to own - stative
    He has a beautiful car

  • have = when it doesnt mean own or possess - dynamic
    Hes having lunch.

4. See

  • see = to perceive with the eye, to understand - stative
    I see what you mean.

  • see = to meet, to be in the company of, to escort, to attend - dynamic
    Hes been seeing the same woman for eight years.

上面think作为静态词时,的举例"I think its a fantastic idea." 这里的think是谓语

而think作为动态词的例子,"I am thinking about my friend" 是be+doing的形式

像be作动态词,此时举例是are being,

have作动态词,是is having

这是为什么呢?为什么静态词作谓语时 不需要像 动态词一样是be doing形式 多了一个be动词还是ing形式?

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