找到约 16 条结果


下面是2010年的一道题高考题:Children who are not active or ________ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.A. what B. whose C. which D. that答案是B。选B的理由我很清楚...

accidents waiting to happen应如何理解

见到这样一个句子:A lot of the city’s buildings are accidents waiting to happen.请分析一下,它是什么意思?句中的accident是表示事故吗?句子中现在分词waiting和不定式to happen的逻辑主语分别是什么?如题


有这样一个句子:We’re not on the telephone, so you’ll have to come round to the house. 不知道句中的on the phone作何解释。用书上on the phone表示“打电话”来解释,说不通吧!如题

have to可与be going to构成将来时态吗

have to的一般将来时通常是用will have to吧,英语可以说be going to have to吗?比如下面的句子中,will 可以换成 be going to 结构吗?You will have to find an alternate route. 你将不得不另找一条路线。The go...


有这样一个句子:All these subjects should be included on the curriculum. 请问句中的介词on可以换成in吗?谢谢!如题


文章的要求是针对在泰国度假就餐时对几位中国年轻人的不良行为进行描述并发表看法满分是15分,麻烦批改再提出建议,谢谢!I spent the Spring Festival withmy family in Thailand this year.We all enjoy this vaca...

teach oneself后接不定式还是动名词

如何用英语怎么翻译汉语的“自学做某事”,如:自学打字,自学弹钢琴,等等。我知道这类表达通常是用teach oneself,我的问题是:teach oneself后接不定式还是动名词?比如是teach oneself to play the piano还是teach...

be found后用不用to be有区别吗?

比较下面的两个句子,一个用了to be,一个没有用to be,它们有区别吗?The box was found empty.The box was found to be empty. 请解释,谢谢!如题


要表示“本想”做某事,但实际上并没有做成某事,英语是用一般过去时还是过去完成时。比如:I (had) meant to come, but something happened. 我本想来,但有事就没有来。 I (had) intended to speak, but time did no...

如何理解one’s nineteenth

有这样一个句子:Today is Jim’s nineteenth.它的意思是“今天是吉米的第十九”吗?“第十九”什么呢?后面好像没说完。请解释,谢谢!如题


1. Don’t drink and drive! You shouldn’t drink and drive. 2. Don’t drive after drink! You shouldn’t drive after drink. 请问:“1”可以说成“2”可否?如题




下面这个句子的结构不太很明白,是省略句吗?He disliked many of his teachers and Miss Smith he liked the least.主要是指and后面的部分,是不是应该改成:and Miss Smith is the one he liked the least.如果是...


1. The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use.(来自新2-21课) 2. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly trav...


get contact with 与 make contact with 有区别吗?这类表达中的 contact 前是从来不用冠词的,对吗?如题

