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在 Swan 的《英语用法指南》p25 有一句:It was as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. 译文为:这是我度过的最愉快的一天。我的疑问:按语法规定,as...as 应译为“和........一样”,这里为什么按最高级怎么翻译...

marry young中的young是什么成分

They married young.这里 young 是形容词吗?是主语补足语还是其他什么成分?盼专家给予指导,恳请提供几个类似的例句。如题


United, we stand; divided, we fall.是过去分词在做条件状语,这里为什么不能用现在分词的被动式来做这样用做条件状语呢?如题


英语可以说 Mr Jack 吗?如题

英语可以说Aunt Mary吗

英语可以说 Aunt Mary 吗? 比如:I asked Aunt Mary to take me to the zoo.如题

not only...but also...可连接两个非谓语动词吗?

not only…but also…可连接两个非谓语动词吗?比如用not only…but also…连接两个不定式、现在分词、过去分词等。请专家指导!谢谢!如题

lose/forget sth后真不能跟地点吗?

1. I left my key at home. leave 表示把 sth 丢在或落在某地。难道其中的 left 真的就不能改成 lose, forget 吗?lose,forget sth 后面真的不能跟地点??2. 学生在词典中看到这样的句子:She lost her husband in...


在下面这个句子中,现在分词短语 wandering about 是用作定语还是宾补?Look at that little boy wandering about—perhaps he’s lost his mother. 如题


请看下面两个句子:He was of some help, however small. The building must be saved, whatever the cost.其中 whatever 与 however 引导的从句好像不完整?其中的第一句还好理解一点,可以认为是在 however small...

by doing sth表示方式时by可以省略吗?

请看句子:I found I could easily make myself understood (by) using sign language. 句中的by用了括号,说明它可以省略。这是不是意味着by doing sth表示方式时可以省略 by?如题


下面一题是2013年河南省的中考题:He thinks himself somebody, but we think him ______.A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody答案是A。我对句中的两个代词理解不好,请指点!谢...


下面一句:A group of children _____ sitting around playing cards.A. was B. were选A还是选B?换句话说,a group of…作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?谢谢!如题

可以说sb is done吗?

在一章非谓语动词的专题里有这样一个句子:When you’re done, give us a call. 等你干完了,给我打个电话。句中的are done 用得对吗?我觉得应是 have done。是不是资料上印错了?谢谢解答!如题

涉及多个动词(try,avoid,go)后接doing还是to do的考题

下面这个题涉及多个非谓语动词,有点晕:The shops are always too crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, so I try ________ on weekends. A. to avoid to go shoppingB. avoiding going shoppingC. to avoid going sh...


在The gas fire was turned low for reasons of economy.中,短语 for reasons of 中的 reasons 为什么要用复数呢?不是只有economy 这一个“原因”吗?这是不是习惯用法?或者是for reasons of 是固定搭配,reason 必...

believe in doing sth的意思

believe in的意思是“相信”,believe in sb 的意思是“相信某人”,但 believe in doing 是什么意思呢?比如下面这句:They believe in letting children make their own mistakes. 句子意思有点奇怪!如题