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He rolled his suitcase down the hall. 这句话里面down是介词还是副词?如题


This primitive form of vegeculture (cultivation of root and tree crops) may have been the economic tradition onto which the cultivation of summer rainfall cereal crops was grafted as it came into use...


如题:They a football game from 7 to 9 last night. (watch)答案是were watching。不过我认为watched也说得通:watch a football game这整个延续性动作从7点开始,到9点结束,全部发生在昨天。所以watch...

Turn back on 的back起什么作用

Turn it off then turn it back on again.不理解,这多加进去的back起什么作用? back作为副词,修饰turn的话好像没有说得通的解释啊?...如题


有时为了避免重复,就要用动词do来代替前面出现过的动词,请问这个do是助动词还是实义动词。比如:On average, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do. 一般而言,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人身体健康...

Not he that...but he that...的语

请问Not he that adorns but he that adores makes a divinity 的语法结构。 这是出自The art of worldly wisdom 中的句子。如题


so if we consider gender issues we are basically asking whether men and women have different attitudes towards saving money. 这里 basically asking 怎么理解呢?如题

bad weather前到底用不用定冠词

bad weather前到底何时用定冠词,何时不用定冠词?有时见到 bad weather,有时又见到 the bad weather。如:Owing to the bad weather the match was cancelled. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了。A spokesman said that b...

fulfilled lives与fulfilling lives的区别

Adult education helps people achieve more fulfilled lives.若句中fulfilled改为fulfilling,两句话的意思怎么区别?学生体会不出来。盼专家解析。如题

because of后可接动名词吗?

because of后面通常是接名词或代词。如:He is here because of you. 他为你而来这里。He was late because of the snow. 由于下崐雪,他迟到了。I can’t buy it because of my lack of money. 我不能买它是因为没钱...

用作副词的 yet 可用于句子中间吗?

yet用作副词时,它通常是用于句子末尾的。如:None have arrived yet. 尚无人到来。It is not finally settled yet. 这事还未最后解决。The railway is not completed yet. 铁路还没有完成。I haven’t digested your...


下面的是一道高考题,2011年的陕西卷考题: ▲I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, ______ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. A. which B. where C. who D. that 此题答案是 B,这个好理解...


有些动词变名词是在动词后加 tion,但 decribe 变成 description 时,要把 b 变成 p,再加 tion,还有类似的构词方式吗?请举例说明,谢谢!如题


Tom hasn‘t come to work since last Friday._____he have had an accident? C. Could D. Might 答案是C,可是我不懂D项怎么不对。 顺便问一下:would have done 只用于虚拟语气中吗?还是有其他用法,谢谢能够...


前面有位同学问:表示乘火车去某地用什么介词?是用介词to还是for?比如“我决定乘火车去伦敦”,英语是说I decided to take a train to London.还是I decided to take a train for London.请各位指点,谢谢!我的感觉...


怎么翻译“我已经做完了英语作业”。其中“英语作业”是“English homework”吗?请指教!谢谢!如题