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I like the same book as you do这里as引导是什么从句

I shall do it in the same way这里as又是引导的什么从句?如题


The prolonged connection with France retained by its new rules and landlords made a deep impression on the English language. 在made前面加个that有什么区别?一个句子有两个动词以上就是非谓语?一个不算?...

as many times后置

There is no time limitation in such classes so students can repeat exercises as many times as they need. 这里的as many times as they need修饰什么?如题


This problem is not easy to solve, as indeed it is.请问这里的as引导是什么从句?如题


既然有 “形容词的宾语从句”,那是不是形容词后的不定式叫做“不定式作形容词的宾语”,?比如 The teller was reluctant to change such a large amount of money.如题

chance upon/on/across sth 不同的介词搭配,有什么区别?

chance upon / on / across sth都是偶然碰到,哪种情况用哪个介词,它们有什么区别阿?如题

这音标[?ka??d]读的时候是a?+? 还是a+???

coward [?ka??d]这音标读的时候是a?+? 还是a+??? 而? 和u 这音标是不同的吗?如题


He told me sth sbouth the man, who/whom I think I can get along with.这里面who可以代替whom吗?如题


好,①Crises in international diplomacy do not always result from malice; for nations, like individuals, can find themselves locked into difficult positions, unable to back down.请问,unable to back do...

that did it 出现在句子开头的意思

例句:That did it. Here was a kid who had flunked two grades, who had been told he was‘brain-damaged,’who had been called‘Frankenstein’by his classmates and told his brains must have leaked out of th...


非谓语动词中一般用于后置定语,The clothes washed is mine.缺少过去分词句子不缺成分,此时过去分词起限定作用,限定词一般被动词支配。非谓语可以当作后置定语吗?如题


反射不定式主要指及物动词(包括不及物动词+介词)没有显性宾语(即其后不直接跟宾语),但有隐性宾语(或叫逻辑宾语)。反射不定式习惯上用主动形式表示被动意义。You have the right to stay,请问这个句子是否是...


请问,如何用定语从句修饰远距离的名词? 例如,the voice from the TV 如何修饰the voice 而不是the TV?如题


The marginal wetlands that remain continue to be threatened by reclamation for farms and homes. 如何理解此处的remain continue?难道remain后面可以接动词吗?that remain不是做The marginal wetlands谓语吗...


Im calling to enquire about the position advertised.这是后置定语。 Im calling to enquire about the position that was advertised.这是定语从句被动语态。 那要怎么改成定语从句呢?如题

