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文章的要求是针对在泰国度假就餐时对几位中国年轻人的不良行为进行描述并发表看法满分是15分,麻烦批改再提出建议,谢谢!I spent the Spring Festival withmy family in Thailand this year.We all enjoy this vaca...


However, other people believe that the relatively affordable price has brought a lot of negative issues to the environment. They point out that the main impact of two, such as atmospheric pollution an...


下面这道题是2013年湖南高考的一道选择题:Every day ______ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads答案是 read,为什么不...


书上说,当“not+状语”置于句首时,其后的句子一定要用倒装结构。如:Not once did he talk to me. 他一次也没有和我谈过。Not once has she failed to keep her promise. 她没有一次没遵守她的诺言。在什么...


Class was over,but the difficult physics problem _____ unsolved. A.left B.kept C.taken D.remained.学生不知道B、D选项如何选,kept和remained都有“保持”的意思,都可以做系...


我们似乎平时常见 Mr Wang, professor Wu 等说法,那么类似 Teacher Wu 可以吗?盼望专家就此类表达法给予讲解,非常感谢您们的付出。如题


Today, the topic of my speech is Chinas FarWest program.


Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege,” writes historian and professor Richard Hofstadter in Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, a Pulitzer Prize winning book on the roots...

show, programme节目,区别


句子 166,000 times 中being produced做什么成分的请教

请问 in the Library of Congress是不是做all the data的后置定语?being produced 和more than 166,000 times分别做什么成分?


People in the US may not think it has any problem,but in South Korea people ____ it was rude. a. think b. thought 我选择a,因为如果是b的话,就变成:韩国人过去认为它是粗鲁的。而且it was rude...

retained by前面没有be动词

The prolonged connection with France retained by its new rules and landlords made a deep impression on the English language. 这里retained by前面为什么不加be动词,不是被动语态吗?如题

新概念3-14课:Obtaining protection money is not a modern crime.为什么是一般现在时

关于It was后省略的困惑?

Half of that was assumed to represent damage to houses and their contents, but what was good news in the Wall Street Journal ("The insurance industry is expected to escape serious financial harm") was...


你好,在新目标人教版九年级英语P116页中有这样一个句子“Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his ancestors’ homeland, as part of the In Search of Roots summer camp pro


We were provided with more money than necessary. We were provided with more money than was necessary.两句话谁对?还是说都对?我在《英语语法新思维》语法难点妙解里看到了这方面的讨论,...