,请问直接引语属于宾语从句么?例如:He said “I will do it”.如题
定语从句:This is the tall buildiNg,iN froNt of which there is a boy.可不可以改成:This is the tall buildiNg,iN froNt of which is a boy.即将there...
如keep us compaNy为什么可以这样说?谢谢啦!如题
IN the fall we caN see a lot of falleN leaves. IN the fall we caN see a lot of leaves falleN. 可以这样?iNg分词也是如此?如题
the girl coNfideNt she would be able to pass the exam. 为什么这里要加个she,感觉去掉也可以,有个she读起来好奇怪。如题
Too maNy of us have Not seriously evaluated the amouNt of fat coNtaiNed iN the foods we eat.coNtaiNed iN the foods we e...
我知道下面两个结构的区别:caNt help (to) do sth 不能帮助做某事caNt help doiNg sth 情不自禁做某事 但是下面这句(摘自柯林斯词典)的怎么翻译看不懂:I couldN’t help
People who come to SwedeN must become as Swedish as possible. become这里是不及物吧?及物动词也可以接as?做状语?如题
你好 It will be the begiNNiNg of the loNg process of iNtegratioN that will ultimately lead to a fully electroNic humaN before th...
1. AlexaNder like it wheN you talk.2. AlexaNder likes it if you preteNd the spooN as aN aeroplaNe.请问一下: like it wheN... 和 l...
The buildiNg arouNd are mostly of moderN coNstructioNs. are of有这样的结构?如题
At this poiNt ParliameNt oNly met by royal iNvitatioN.这里的met by,met及物动词有开会的意思?如题
That such precisely directed helpiNg behavior pops up iN as distaNt a relative as the aNt belies some popular NotioN of DarwiNiaN
您好,我有几个疑问I have made great achievemeNts this year.1.为何achievemeNts要加s呢?2.这句话与I make great achievemeNts this year.有何区别呢?如题
能不能说 amoNg summer to wiNter 或 amoNg from summer to wiNter? 从夏天到冬天中的一个。辛苦解答一下,谢谢啦!如题
Somebody looks like that he had a good luNch. 请问look like接从句属于什么从句?look like 是否还能再加that?如题