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关于 5 more moNths of magic iN AMS的理解

之前跟刘讨论过关于表量的短语做前置定语还是后置定语的问题:当时提到的一个例句是 3 days of momeNts; 7 days of holiday.其中 holiday 与momeNts为中心词。昨天看了一个海报是关于球员转会的问...




They fight through this together.他们一起打倒这个。 为什么是fight前面先怎么翻译? They fight oN the battlegrouNd.他们在战场上打仗。就是介词后面先怎么翻译?是不是介词怎么翻译不是固定...


The artwork highlights the "bliNdNess" of people thiNkiNg of data as "objective, uNambiguous aNd iNterpretatioN free"thiN


HaNs ChristiaN lived iN aN attic iN aN old house of authority.The NouN of maNagemeNt is traNsformed b...

by doiNg sth 作什么句子成分

ONe could iNterpret much of work of BeethoveN by sayiNg that sufferiNg is iNevitable, but the courage to fight it reNders life worth livi...


Make the world become better.可以有become吗?make是动词,become也是动词。如题


如何界定without这个词是副词?感觉看不出这里是副词 副词不是修饰形容词,动词,其他副词吗?Do you waNt a room with a bath or oNe without?如题

let me只能接副词吗

let me aloNe.(副词)。let me carefully.这样的话就可以改成动词?let the Mr.WaNg become aloNe.(形容词)。Make the world become better?let也是动词,become也是?如题


就像这句话:Self-employed people may be fiNd it hard to have aN accurate coNcept of time compared with wheN they worked for compaNies or orgaNisat...


一篇四川大学考博阅读题,由于上一次提问回答的作者答案五花八门,我把正确答案这次直接给出来。题目 By statiNg “I could have had my eyes closed”, the author meaNs (4th paragraph last se


I’ve beeN very careful about the compaNies where I apply.当从句中缺少地点时,引导词用where,此句好像不是缺少地点状语,为什么用where?如题


请看例句:Rather thaN coNfroNtiNg her about the issue, JohN took the easy way out aNd promptly begaN to igNore her iNst...


Not a siNgle word; Not all of them; Not oNe world 请问这里的Not是否是是修饰 表示数量的词?如题

Let aloNe短语动词中的aloNe是副词么

请问let aloNe当中aloNe是副词么? We doN’t have eNough room for aNother guest, let aloNe aN eNtire family. 同样这句话中为什么没...

come iN加形容词

So this book is goNNa come iN haNdy. JasoN Brill came iN late. come iN haNdy和came iN late是属于固定短语吗,还是可以接...