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"换钱" 用change for /change to /exchange to

exchange dollars for poundschange a $10 bills for two fivesThe new government enacted a law to change to a new bill. 请问, 这几个搭配有什么区别呢? 字面上都是把一种钱换成另一种钱??此外还想问下, chan...


CNN新闻一段话:Its about a year behind in my right leg.我的右腿大约有一年的时间恢复了功能。请教:这里的behind如何理解?如题


The murderer turned out to be no other person than the inspector himself.请问这种比较级结构的句子成分是怎么划分的?如题


请看例句:I have been such a fool. such在词典上标注为 adj, 这样的话 such是做定语是没有问题。Its such a long trip. 在这个句子中such做的是adv, 这样的话, such还是做定语么? 还是说such做副词做状语修饰其...


英语中常见的一种表达:Guess I was wrong.这句话实际上应该是 I guess I was wrong. (主语非祈使句默认的主语you)所以,英语中是否有些句子看似是祈使句,实则是陈述句的省略句呢?如题


好,Sales of wines declined in the late 1980s, but they began to grow again after the 1991 report that linked moderate consumption of alcohol, and particularly of red wine, with a reduced risk of hear...


不加be动词可以吗? 比如mistake for sb,可以改成 mistaken for foreigner吗?直接表达被认为外国人 不加人称代词,还有认错为一台电脑是不是mistaken for a computer还是mistake for a computer?如题

so is sth句型与so have sth句型

CNN新闻开头一段话:A new week has begun, so is the new edition of CNN 10.句中is是误用吗?是否应该是has呢?(so the new edition of CNN 10 has begun中的has)如题


But with AI, computers learn to find cancers based on the actual results of thousands of mammograms. 1. based on the actual results of thousands of mammograms 是状语还是后置定语?2. 分词作状语必须与...


To truly succeed at negotiating, it helps if you can find your inner Rottweiler.helps缺少了宾语, To truly succeed at negotiating,如果做宾补,为什么要前置?如题

as he was bid还是as he is bid

He was fond of play, but he had been taught to make himself useful, and to do as he was bid.请问这句话中为什么最后是as he was bid,而不是as he is bid? 如题


Spotify has more bargaining power over myriad individual podcasters jostling to reach its 248m-odd users than it does over record labels.这个jostling是做什么语法成分呢?如题

come wtih 的含义

This antique gramophone still plays the old records it come with.come的含义?谢谢!如题


好,①Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany.②Over 75 percent of the ener...


请教们:The scientific revolution was the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions中为什么of定语不只对use修饰,而是对th...


出于好奇,想知道五位数及以上的年份该怎么说?比如说11111年,我知道最保险的说法就是和说普通数字一样:the year eleven thousand one hundred and eleven但是能否用更简单的方式说呢?比如:th...