so do+主语; the same to +人称代词; 主语+too (也)区别

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【一】So+ am/do/does/did/can/?+主语 用于描述1件事情或者1个动作表示肯定。后者和前者一样。Tom is in Class 3.?So am I?.?汤姆在三班。我也是。Tom likes English.?So do I.??汤姆喜欢英语,我也是。Tom’s sister likes Chinese.?So does he.?汤姆的妹妹喜欢汉语,他也是。My car needs repairing, and?so does my computer.?我的车需要修理,我的电脑也需要修理。Jack lost his pen yesterday.?So did I .?杰克昨天丢失了钢笔,我也是。Tom can speak Chinese. So can Mary.汤姆会讲汉语,玛丽也会。备注:so表示“也”为副词用法。主要有以下几种表达【1】Mary’s mother is beautiful and so is she.【连词and+副词so】【2】Mary’s mother is beautiful,and so is she.【逗号+连词and+副词so】【3】Mary’s mother is beautiful;so is she.【分号;+副词so】【4】Mary’s mother is beautiful. So is she.【句号;+副词so】【二】the same to?you:一般用于习语,主要用于回敬问候,意思为“你也以上样”“也祝你...”。或者说在别人向自己祝福后,用这句话给别人同样的祝福。“Happy Christmas!” “And the same to you!” “圣诞快乐!”“圣诞快乐!”“Have a nice Easter.” “And the same to you Bridie.”?“复活节快乐。”“你也一样,布赖迪。”“Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck.” “The same to you.” “那么,再见,谢谢。祝你好运。”“也祝你好运。”【三】me too,属于口语用法其意为“我也一样”,主要用于延续前面的肯定信息。I like potato chips.Me too.我喜欢吃薯条。我也是。I’m going home.Me too.我要回家了。我也是。Glad to see you again. 又见到你很高兴。—Me too. 见到你我也很高兴。—I'm thirsty. 我很口渴。—Me too. 我也是。【四】you?too,属于口语用法其意为“你也一样”,主要用于延续前面的肯定信息。—Merry Christmas. 祝你圣诞节快乐。—You too. 也祝你圣诞节快乐。—Have a good weekend. 祝你周末过得愉快。—You too. 也祝你周末过得愉快。 ? ? so
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