

有一道题说在"His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our support."这一句中,to become an astronaut 是一个后置定语,而另外一道题却说在"He has a wish to travel round the whole country."这一句中,to travel round the whole country 是一个同位语,而我认为这两部分在各自句子中充当的成分是一样的,想听一下的见解,另外,我看到有练习册上写不定式是可以充当同位语的,而有的地方却又说不可以,希望可以帮忙解答一下!

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His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our support.He has a wish to travel round the whole country.网友描述的第一种说法正确。正确而科学的表述应为:不定式作定语,不定式与被修饰词之间是“同位关系”。英语中,不定式 (短语) 经常用在名词之后作定语,这是一个大的概念。语法学在总结其规律的基础上,又根据该名词与不定式的逻辑关系,分出几种关系,这几种关系属于“子概念”。不定式作定语时跟被修饰词之间的关系:(1) Mary was the first girl to work out the problem. (主谓关系)(2) John said he had an important meeting to attend. (动宾关系)(3) He hopes to be offered a job to drive for a boss. (同位关系)(4) This is the best way to solve the problem. (动状关系)以上4句,虽然都是不定式作定语,但被修饰词与其之间的关系却不尽相同。第一句:the first girl 和to work out the problem 是“主谓关系”。第二句:to attend 和an important meeting 是“动宾关系”。第三句:a job 和to drive for a boss,是一种“同位关系”。【注】“同位关系” 可以转换为 “主表” 关系:To drive for a boss is a job.?第四句:to solve the problem 和the best way 是“动状关系”。所谓动状关系,意思是不定式的动作发生借助the best way 这个手段,即 ?solve the problem in the best way。
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