怎么翻译:The resulting blank space invites you to revise.

怎么翻译:The resulting blankspace invites you to revise.
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网友给出invite就属于以下用法invite? ?vt.招致;诱发;引发?(英文解释:If something you say or do invites trouble or criticism, it makes trouble or criticism more likely?or make something bad or unpleasant likely to happen.)I realize that an Englishman who generalizes about Ireland invites trouble.我意识到英国人如果对爱尔兰问题加以泛化的话会招惹麻烦。Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.? 他们拒绝妥协必然会引发联合国的更多批评。Such comments are just inviting trouble.这种评论简直是在自找麻烦。Don't leave the windows open — it's inviting?thieves to enter.别让窗户那么开着,那会招来小偷的。Some shops invite people to steal by making it too easy to take things.有些商店摆设的东西拿起来过于方便,这就会诱发人们去偷窃。
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