
several hundred中的hundred用单数还是复数?其后可接介词of吗?


Several hundred workers were waiting outside the factory.

Several hundreds workers were waiting outside the factory.

Several hundred of workers were waiting outside the factory.

Several hundreds of workers were waiting outside the factory.

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我来补充一下刘所解释的这个句子:Several hundred of the workers were waiting outside the factory.(正)我们换几个句子循序渐进的来看:One of the workers were waiting outside the factory.A few of the workers were waiting outside the factory.Some of the workers were waiting outside the factory.Manyof the workers were waiting outside the factory.A great many of the workers were waiting outside the factory.Most of the workers were waiting outside the factory.Several hundred of the workers were waiting outside the factory.这样就能清楚地看到:以上几个例句虽然数量不同,但是语法功能却是一致的。several hundred of the workers 表达的是整体与部分的关系。
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