with a capital B 是什么意思

When I say he’s boring, I mean boring with a capital B!

请问这个句子是什么意思?尤其是 with a capital B 是什么意思?

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? ?with a capital B 是习语。? ? IDM (习语)?with a capital A,B,etc. used to emphasize that a word has a stronger meaning than usual in a particular situation(强调有特别含义的字眼)真正地,名副其实地,不折不扣地:He was romantic with a capital R. 他纯属浪漫派。(摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第9版)? ? She's crazy with a capital C. 她确实发疯了。(摘自《牛津-外研社英汉汉英词典》p.99,外语教学与研究出版社出版发行 2010年11月第1版)? ???When I say he’s boring, I mean boring with a capital B! =??When I say he’s boring, I mean he’s boring with a capital B!这句话的字面意思是(直译):我说他很无聊时,意思是说他确实很无聊!?刘提供的是意译:我说他很无聊时,意思是他简直无聊透顶!?
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