

(2009, TEM4, 65)

"The man preparing the documents is the firms lawyers" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT _______.

A.the man who has prepared the documents

B.the man who has been preparing the documents

C.the man who is preparing the documents

D.the man who will prepare the documents




1. CGEL(17.28)

[1a] The person who will write reports is my college.

[1b] The person who will be writing reports is my college.

[1c] The person who writes reports is my colleague.

[1d] The person who is writing reports is my colleague.

[1e] The person who wrote reports is my colleague.

[1f] The person who was writing reports is my colleague.

[2] The person writing reports is my colleague.

The nonfinite clause "writing reports" in [2] may be interpreted, according to the context, as equivalent to one of the more explicit versions in [1a]-[1f].


You should look for a man carrying a large umbrella. [who will be carrying a large umbrella]


"Comma-ing" modifiers follow on form the tense of the man from the tense of the main working verb to which they are attached.


首先可以看出CGEL和曼哈顿GMAT语法的讲解是不一样的。其次这个"the same tense"并没有规定是传统英语语法中的说法还是现代英语语法中的说法(现代英语语法中没有将来时,will看作现在时情态助动词);其次很重要的一点就是这道专四真题和CGEL举的例子几乎是一样的结构,那么按照CGEL讲的,我们不应该认为D是错误答案(我当时根据CGEL的理论选了B)。所以希望各位能对此进行一下解释:是我的理解有问题呢,还是上述材料中的一部分表述有问题?

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who has prepared (X)不可能变为 is preparing即没有A的意思;可能是你看错了答案。
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