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For example, an estimate would be appropriate if youre having a casual birthday party and want to know roughly how many bags of chips you should buy.

while protecting the environment中省略了主语和be动词吗

The challenge we face is to find ways to meet the needs of our growingpopulation while _______(protect) the environment.


Only United Kingdom Independence Party, sensing its chance, has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.请问to using green land,是否可以用 to use green l...


之前说,要按英语语法结构去理解怎么翻译,我中文也要按照英语去怎么翻译出来? He has little prospect of succeeding. 别人的怎么翻译:他没什么成功的希望。 按照英语结构怎么翻译:他成功只有很少的希...


At the end of the day, theres probably little reason to payattention to our dreams at all unlessthey keep us from sleeping of "we wake up in a panic", Cartwrightsays. 这句话中的of...部分是什...


The headmaster was pleased with what we did. He praised us and also encouraged us to do more to protect the environment.

take to的疑问

The process is the series of steps we take to get our job done. take to后面不是接doing吗?为什么get是原型?还有take to分开了就是介词短语吗?She took me to a Mexican restaurant.是不是所有动词...


As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive - there exists no language or dialect in the world tha...


MIT(麻省理工)has offered a program called OpenCourseWare for ten years that makes materials from more than 2,000 classes free online.这句话有两种断句:1 把make看成制作,把free class看做class...

to do sth 是后置定语

Such exchanges can be one of the best ways to improve your conversation skills. 其中:1.to improve your conversation skills 是后置定语吗?或者 the way to do sth 是固定搭配。2. 如果不...


PREP You use of to combine two nouns, or a noun and a present participle, when the second noun or present participle defines or gives more information about the first noun. 用以连接2个名词或1个名词和1...


这是CNN新闻中的一段话: Collegiate sport, unlike any other sport has a recruitment process.我想知道,以上collegiate sport是has a recruitment process, 还是doesnt have a recru...

并列句省略主语的疑问以及代词it的指代(2018 高考英语北京卷阅读理解七选五)

Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and is usually advised to reduce it.这是 2018 年高考英语北京卷阅读理解七选五的一个句子。请问后面部分 is usually advised to reduce it 的省略...

There be 可以引导定语从句吗

The companies were also accused of ignoring signs there was a problem concerning opioids in northestern Ohio.几家公司还被指控无视俄亥俄州东北部阿片类药物存在问题的迹象。请教:句中signs there...

prohibited是否后置了(?unauthorized reproduction prohibi

unauthorized reproduction prohibited. 这里的prohibited是后置定语修饰前面的吗?如题


Unless youve got money to burn , there expensive guitars are (probably) not for you.请问,括号处为什么不用形容词probable?而是probably? 如题