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that of 怎么理解

Boris Johnson not only hauled her back into the cabinet in July but gave her one of the great offices of state, that of home secretary.如题

To think...是一个固定句型吗(2018年北京高考完形填空)

To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight when he could have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in. 2018 年北京高考完表填空26题。这个to think明显是表示一种特殊的语气,请问这是to think...

so much指代

请教们:There are more shoes,stuffed animals,large and small posters,hair bands,and pink hair curlers. The job grows larger the longer I am at it. How can one girl collect so much in only 18 year...

one... the other中什么时候中间加and

请教们:Two piles grow to clumsy heights:one for charity,the other trash中(1)one... the other中什么时候中间加and我有时看见有,有时又没有(2)为什么the other后没有for请们帮忙了,谢谢了!如题


一下两句话分别加了for和不加for:The forests stretch for hundreds of miles. 森林曼延数百哩。《汉英大词典》Students often travel hundreds of miles to get here. 学生常常赶数百英里的路来到这里。《柯林斯高...


完形填空中遇到下面的句子:People have to find food for over 350000 mouths more.over不是和more重复了吗?more在句子中做什么成分?如题

just now能当做时间段吗

我见到的句子中just now一般都是当作时间点的,但是《汉英大词典》中有这么一句话:I quite agree with everything he said just now. 他将才讲的我都同意。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》中,也有:He rang me jus...


请看下这个题选C还是选D,为什么?I accidentally found a photo that my brother took of ____ when I was a student. A. his B. hers C. me D. mine 如题


当关系代词在定语从句中做主语,并且从句的谓语动词是进行时态,关系代词和be动词可以同时省略,请问为什么下面这句不能省?This is my aunt who is going to London.This is my aunt going to London?如题


used to state specifically which thing of the general type mentioned you are referring towhich thing of the general type mentioned you are referring to如 何改成定语从句?如题

the one less hospitable to hate 是独立主格结构吗

Each of us can take concrete steps to make the Internet a more humane and inclusive place, ___ less hospitale to hateA. one B. the one C. ones D the ones答案选B, 请问 the one less h...


Every “Number of freeze-thaw cycle” in the table corresponding to two samples including a/one parallel sample.表中每一个冻融循环次数对应两个样本,包括一个平行样本,我是想问这里的一个,用a好还是one好?...

非谓语动词seen与being seen的区别

______ from far away,the 600-meter tower is stretching into the sky.请问这里为什么用seen,而不用being seen。Beginning from Buckingham Palace, this trip takes you to the best of Londons sights.这里用be...

she with made her objections clear.

she with made her objections clear.请教此句的语序 with的用法谢谢如题


According to a law attributed to the savant known only as Murphy, "if anything can go wrong, it will." Corollaries to Murphys Law suggest themselves as clues to the shoddy goods problem: If anything c...

when I-句子,这是同位语句子吗

I mean, when I - Ive been travelling aroud the country for the last number of weeks talking to voters, and not noly were people who voted in 2016 in the referendum to leave the European Union who want...