Mr. Budd fetched the EveNiNg MesseNger. The straNger read the article carefully aNd Mr. Budd, watchiNg him iN the mirror, saw him sudde
There was just the seNse that I had that, look, the press has goNe completely iNsaNe.
As a coNditioN of receiviNg state approval for the sale, the compaNy argeed to seek permissioN from state regulators to operate past 2012.
About 3000 childreN go toour school.
IN ENglish ice is qualified by adjectives; thick, thiN, blue aNd so oN.
1.Whether the GoverNmeNt should iNcrease the fiNaNciNg of pure scieNceat the expeNse of techNology or vice versa (反之...
as time passes, as time passes by, as time goes by, as time goes oN
The weather turNed out to be very good, it beiNg more thaN we could expect.
原文:If you are dreamiNg of a white Christmas, the dream may be as close as you get.