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an amount of 为什么修饰可数名词

[U] (可利用的)空地,空间 an amount of an area or of a place that is empty or that is available for usean area or of a place不是可数名词吗?为什么能用amount of如题


He extends condolences to people who died from coronavirus.查了牛津和科斯林,发生没有那个解释适合该例句。如题

If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by wh

If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what __D__ in science and technology. A. had discovered B. had been discovered C. has discovered D. has been discovered 这句算不算宾语从句时态要一致?如...

ability in doing结构

常常见到使用ability to do结构,但是今天见到ability in doing结构,ability in effectively bringing the epidemic under control in such a short time.请问这两者区别?如题


好,For the first time in the modern era, non-Hispanic Whites are officially a minority in California, amounting to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly three-quarters...


如果说keep sb away from doing sth 是阻止某人做某事,那么keep sb fron doing sth 应该是不阻止,即保持某人做某事,事实不是这样。i prevent him from cutting tree.是我阻止他,他原先来自砍树这个状态i keep就...


Our teachers love for us students is like that for own child.句中 like 后面不应该是宾语从句吗?为什么说是表语从句?like难道不是介词?如题


各位好。剑桥雅思12的第二套的阅读题中的文章The Lost City里有这么一个句子:First, as he climbs up the hill, he describes the ever-present possibility of deadly snakes, ‘capable of making considerable sp...


I asked her why and she told me that they were so quiet, that she was the only person talking in class and it felt like the children were punishing her by making her talk to the walls! 第一个宾语从句...


He is the best man for us to choose.He is the best man to be chosen.第一句理解为,他是我们挑出来的最好的人第二句理解为,他是被挑出来的最好的人这两句话语法和这样理解应该没问题吧?如题

比较分句中 as could be 的省略和理解

They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as could be书上说比较分句中省略了主语或也可看作由as/than充当了比较分句的主语。1)这句话该如何怎么翻译和理解?2)比较分句中如果看作省略了主语或也可...

had been 和 was 语义上究竟有何区别

He didnt love his uncle, who was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honourable.他不喜欢他的叔父,因为他的叔父卑鄙下流,不像他的父亲作风正派,受人尊敬。1)怎么翻译的中文中为什么有“...

by bringing up疑问

I could point at all those layoff statistics,Or I could frighten you by bringing up the spectre of your job going overseas. 我可以指着所有那些裁员的统计资料说话,或者我可以通过培养你的出国工作幽灵吓...

such was倒装

Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken. The force of the explosion was Such that all the windows were broken. Such倒装是什么词性?如题

Its ... that...强调句

这个强调句句型本质上应该和定语从句相似,所以好奇如果强调的部分本身就带有定语从句是否可行。比如这句,only time invested after the decision is made is taken into account.可否写成,Its only the time inve...


情态动词改错。请问这句cant be 为什么不对? 为什么要改成wouldnt be.It cant be possible for you to phone back later.如题