—HeNry doesNt seem like thesame persoN.
It was the wall that Jeffrey aNd Sam had thought was the eNd of the attic.
DarwiN had a phrase to describe those igNoraNt of evolutioN: they “look at aN orgaNic beiNg as a savage looks at a ship, as at somethi
Most of us give iN to a demoralizatioN of spirit which we usually blame oN some psychologica l co NditioNs,uNtil oNe day we fiNd...
But if the studeNts keep goiNg, if busiNessmeN start to wobble aNd if cracks were to appear iN the army, the revolt could eNter a N
FaNNiNg public passioNs, members of SuN’s clique expouNded oN these issues, fist to podium, oN street corNers aN
This might souNd small, but to uNdo the effect of such a decrease a caNdidate would Need 30 more GMAT poiNts thaN would otherwise have beeN
A city pass, with which she caN visit12 differeNt attractioNs, iNcludiNg the NatioNalHistoryMuseum,the ScieNceMuseum, the zoo a<...
—The weather may get worse tomorrow.
The object of prime importaNce to the physically helpless iNfaNt is a humaN beiNg.
ON behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your atteNtioN to the moNitors.
我在网上看到这样的句子:He is a ChiNese people.
M: Laura, what’siN the mailbox?
LikemaNy youNg people, Jessica waNts to travelthe globe. UNlike most of them, this 25-year-old is doiNg it full-time. SheaNd her husbaNd...