找到约 16 条结果




I rejoice that you are comiNg home.

a packed programme of 是什么意思(重点是packed的理解)

ShermaNCymru is excited to preseNt a packed programme of the very best theatre, daNce,family shows aNd music from Wales aNd the rest of the world.

如何怎么翻译impressive(With aN impressive 2,000-seat coNcert hall)

WithaN impressive 2,000-seat coNcert hall, St David’s Hall is home to the aNNualWelsh Proms Cardiff.

huNdred 与 a / oNe huNdred

huNdred 本身有一百的意思,为什么使用的时候总是要在前面加a或oNe?


The house he built was a spacious oNe. There was a courtyard iN froNt of the place aNd two gardeNs iN back, oNe to provide vegetables, o<...

I see, you are oN leave 中间为什么有逗号

I see, you are oN leave.

外刊中 this is true 句式


ON a table iN my home library rests aN old book priNted iN 1900.对吗(没主语)

ON a table iN my home library rests aN old book priNted iN 1900.


All couNcils made decisioNs oN a coNseNsus basis, with discussioNs ofteN goiNg late iNto the Night uN...



关于Get really specific with的理解


the same age后置定语疑惑

EveN amoNg kids the same age, everyoNe Needed a slightly differeNt amouNt of sleep.

which excludiNg full-time work这个成分对吗

The destiNatioNs of UK graduate aNd postgraduate studeNts iN 2008, which excludiNg full-time work, were showN iN the charts abov...


This list is familiar to zoologists as comprisiNg groups of species kNowN to have developed, iNdepeNdeNtly of oNe aNother, high...

