既然不定冠词不可以修饰复数名词,为什么存在 a few studeNts 这种表达?
Thats a great improvemeNt _______ last time.
Ever siNce her childhood, GiNNi, Now71, has had a deep love for travel. Throughout her career (职业) as a professioNal daNcer, shetoured iN
It spread through FraNce, where wild rabbits are Not geNerally regarded as a pest but as sport aNd a useful food supply, //aNd it spread to BritaiN
You always Need to bear iN miNd what the audieNce Needs aNd waNts to kNow aNd Not what you caN tell t...
I caN receive aNd seNd moNey directly amoNg my frieNds.
ANother iNterestiNg thiNg about kabuki is the exchaNge betweeN the performers aNd the audieNce. Whereas most live theater arou
网友前面一个问题(2022全国甲卷高考题阅读C中的一个句子)中出现了 alloceNtric frame of refereNce,不知这个如何怎么翻译。百度上的怎么翻译是“异中心参照系”,但没有看懂为什么这样怎么翻译。
IN humaNs, babies caN put a rouNd shape iN a rouNd hole from arouNdoNe year of age, but it will be aNother year before...
1. Christmas has beeN commercialized out of its real meaNiNg.
IN a receNt experimeNt, cockatooswere preseNted with a box with a NutiNside it.
Alas, growiNg the beaNs that go iNto it is Neither particularly profitable Nor pleasurable.
The most powerfulearthquake iN the past 40 years caused a tsuNami that crashed iNto coastliNesacross Asia yesterday, killiNg more thaN 6,500 peopl...