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如何理解noxious evidence of foreign intrusion

In recent months they had torn up railroad tracks and electric cables—noxious evidence of foreign intrusion—and left destruction in their wake.

如何理解trademark frankness

With trademark frankness and humor, these popular BDSM/sexuality authors document their journey into the realm of transcendent kink and radical ecstasy.


This focus on future outcomes makes it all too easy to miss what is happening right now.

to feel that you are useful不定式句中成分疑问

It is everything to feel that you are useful.

regret to do sth怎么理解

书上写regret to do sth很遗憾的做某事,对没做的事感到遗憾。可是l regret to tell you我很遗憾的告诉你,遗憾和告诉是同时发生的啊,所以什么是没做的事情呢?

not only和同位语that

We have to admit the fact that not only Apollo uses less storage but it looks amazing.

请黎反修解答:应该怎样使用 favorite 这个单词

在《武汉市硚口区2021-2022学年度第一学期期中质量检测七年级英语试卷参考答案》的书面表达中,有这样一个句子:“English and music are my favorite. ”我们的说这个句子有错误。请问我们的说法对吗?如果错了,应该...


Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa 【主语从句】//often【频度状语】 //depends on【谓语动词】// the issue of which is seen as...

ask around在这句里不是询问的意思吗



例句:She realized that what she said was hurting her moms heart.


例句:I am an exchange student who goes abroad for further education.

keep up doing sth 是错误的吗

前面有位专家说:keep up 后面不能接动名词,即英语不能说 keep up doing(但可说 keep doing 或 keep on doing)。请问我怎么没有找到书上有这样的说法呢?我感觉说 keep up doingsth 不是很正常吗?

怎样理解:in the hundreds of millions

In Asia,messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play. The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally.It’s been reported that 76 perce...


And why only snakes? Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped; no running fights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits -- just a bite and no more effort needed. In fact, it would be...

back home句中成分疑问

All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.

修饰比较级的词时much, even, far, a lot, a little, a bit 有什么区别
