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句中这种go doing是什么形式

Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore, as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.


The embodiment of architecture with Chinese and Western culture increasingly exchanging.


I love ping-pong, but I can not play it well.

新概念2-2课:It was Sunday 和 It was a Sunday 区别

书上写的是:It was Sunday.

unit sales 是什么意思

The sales managers have been asked toreport on last month’s drop in unit sales.


It is difficult to resist the impression that bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase. Indeed, they seem to have become a fact of commercial life. To take just one example, the Chr...

新概念3-9 and more 的断句和缩写

In a long drop, they reach speeds of 60 miles an hour and more


Once recovered, Louis chose to return to the front lines in France. It was there, at the Battle of the Somme in 1916, that Louis died in action.


Common lore has it that the grateful beneficiary repaid Wang’s kindness years later, once he had succeeded in life.


After World War I broke out, McGee joined the military in 1915, despite being blind in one eye.

He doesnt study hard like his brother 怎样怎么翻译

He doesnt study hard like his brother.

They look for anything pumpkin.(anything pumpkin是不是省略了介词)

They look for anything pumpkin.


Though ostensibly a book about creativity, the author frequently veers off to discuss animal emotion and intelligence.

dressed in a smart black suit 主语补语 还是状语

Everymorning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.


Andwe know that unless we take real action to stabilize the climate that theseextreme weather events will keep on happening.

doing up here(up修饰的doing 还是here)

“Whatever are you doing up here Bill?” asked the vicar in surprise. 你究竟在这上面干什么,比尔?