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我知道代词用来引出被指代的事物时可以,如:This is my friend Tom. It is a lovely dog. 等这次又看到一句话:The writer tells us to keep it shut if the door of the room is warm.这句话中it指代的是door。现...

as careful as possible

as careful as possible这里的possible是什么词性?如果是as carefully as possibly,就要改成副词吗?如题

prize colony如何理解

At the time, the Germans occupied the port city of Qingdao in Shandong, their one and only prize colony in East Asia since 1898.

who, whom, that 引导定语从句的比较

She is the girl whom I met that day.答案上直说可以填whom或者that, 但是我在其他地方找到的资料也有用who的。那who 和 whom什么时候可以替换呢?比如He is the man whom/who I saw yesterday.就可以互换。如题


CNN新闻节选:ISIS was a violent group, known for murdering scores of people who didnt share its beliefs.And while it existed years before 2014, that was the year it took control of large parts of Iraq...

would have been是否表示虚拟

Spooked, governments are rushing to impose controls that would have been unimaginable only a few weeks ago.


never mind, no problem, that’s all right(没关系)区别

never mind, no problem, that’s all right 都可以表示“没关系”,它们的区别是什么?


own 通常与形容词性物主代词连用。如:I’d love to have my own room. 我喜欢有一个自己的房间。She can’t even write her own name. 她连自己的名字都不会写。You are old enough to earn your own living. 你已经...


过去分词(短语)做后置定语表被动、完成,这里的“被动”是什么意识?例如 boy named(who is named) tom 可否这样理解在被修饰的名词和后置定语之间加上“that/who/which+be动词”句意不变就行,看语法书上说后置定语和...


Wouldnt it be great if you explained the reason to us?Its boring to walk all alone. Couldnt you go for walks with your friends?似乎是反意疑问句,但是没有所谓的前肯后否啊。比如像这样:They work hard, d...


说“看电影”用see,“看电视”用watch,不能混淆。但有时也可见到 watch a film 的说法,这样说对吗?请们解答一下,谢谢!如题


,想请教一下,know better than to do sth是一个固定表达,意思是“还不至于(无知到)去做某事”,其中than是连词或介词,为什么这里的than后可以接不定式to do呢?如题

will 可以与 yesterday 连用吗

看到这样一个句子:He will have left yesterday.这个句子对吗?will 可以与 yesterday 连用吗?如题

in return for的搭配原则
