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in humans 如何怎么翻译

In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from aroundone year of age, but it will be another year before they are able to do thesame with less symmetrical (对称的) shapes. This ability t...


1. Christmas has been commercialized out of its real meaning.

with a nut inside it 可以省略 it 吗

In a recent experiment, cockatooswere presented with a box with a nutinside it.

go into 的意思

Alas, growing the beans that go into it is neither particularly profitable nor pleasurable.

Sunday off 是什么意思

The most powerfulearthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlinesacross Asia yesterday, killing more than 6,500 people in Indonesia, India,Thailand, Malaysia, and at least...


I rejoice that you are coming home.

a packed programme of 是什么意思(重点是packed的理解)

ShermanCymru is excited to present a packed programme of the very best theatre, dance,family shows and music from Wales and the rest of the world.

如何怎么翻译impressive(With an impressive 2,000-seat concert hall)

Withan impressive 2,000-seat concert hall, St David’s Hall is home to the annualWelsh Proms Cardiff.

hundred 与 a / one hundred

hundred 本身有一百的意思,为什么使用的时候总是要在前面加a或one?


The house he built was a spacious one. There was a courtyard in front of the place and two gardens in back, one to provide vegetables, one to delight the eye in the formal Japanese fashion. One of the...

I see, you are on leave 中间为什么有逗号

I see, you are on leave.

外刊中 this is true 句式



All councils made decisions on a consensus basis, with discussions often going late into the night until everyone reached agreement.

the same age后置定语疑惑

Even among kids the same age, everyone needed a slightly different amount of sleep.

which excluding full-time work这个成分对吗

The destinations of UK graduate and postgraduate students in 2008, which excluding full-time work, were shown in the charts above.


This list is familiar to zoologists as comprising groups of species known to have developed, independently of one another, high levels of intelligence, both individual and social. 亲爱的好,这个句子as...