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like best, like most(最喜欢)区别

like best;like most最喜欢,区别


I really like this dress bought by my mom. bought为什么是在最后面?如题



You are free to do sth 句型的变换

You are free to make your own decision.


好,我这个虚拟语气学的还是有问题。 我前几天遇到一个情景: 朋友去巴厘岛回来,并分享了几张照片。 而我想对此表达的意思是,如果没有这些照片的话,我依然会觉得去巴厘旅游特别没劲。 我写得是,without these pic...

关于等于这个说法 be equal to 的使用看法

(1) The value of A/B is 17.83.(2) The A/B is equal to 17.83.请解答我对这词组用法的理解对不?在(1)中加入了value of 就可以省略equal to, 而在(2)中省略了value of 就要加上equal to,这种用法正确吗?如...




Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house.这是什么结构? She was sent out on the streets to beg.还有这里的sent out组成的及物动词为什么后面还加介词?如题

convincing 还是 convinced

Millions of people rushed to California, ________ that they would find gold and become rich.A convincing B convinced请问这里为什么用被动ed?如题

日期前面为什么不用介词 on



Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,or learn to play the guitar.此句中的learn为什么不用加ing?如题

Everything is as it should be这里的as是什么词性

Everything is as it should be.

grow to be...可以省略to be吗

Thejawbone didn’t have to do as much work and so didn’t grow to be so large.

be very highly regarded 是被动语态吗

Her work is very highly regarded. 难道这里的regard的及物动词可以单一变成被动语态吗?如题

stick to后面为什么要跟doing sth


There be 可以引导定语从句吗

The companies were also accused of ignoring signs there was a problem concerning opioids in northestern Ohio.几家公司还被指控无视俄亥俄州东北部阿片类药物存在问题的迹象。请教:句中signs there was a pro...