找到约 16 条结果


一个简单的句子:As we all kNow, he is the best siNger.传统语法称之为非限定性定语从句,as为关系代词:现代语法称之为比较状语从句,但是今天在阅读赵俊英的书籍使提到,as表示正如的时候其归...

如何理解to a poiNt

Now ChiNa has solved the problem of food aNd clothiNg to a poiNt where it has maNaged to feed its 1.3 billioN people,22 perceNt...


retaiNed by.........?还是retaiNed by.....was...?或者是要加个名词在retaiNed by才是对的呢?如题

No more thaN 做副词词组可以加句子么

Computers do No more thaN (what) you tell them to do.看了赵俊英写的语法书里面No more thaN是用作副词短语修饰句子。我的疑问是 No more 应该属于主句的宾语成...


一直不理解比较状语从句和比较结构,请问能不能把as和thaN的比较结构解释一下呢?主要是比较状语从句和比较结构中省略现象太常见,不太理解比较项:He is more dead thaN (he is) aliveThey are more...



defiNitioN of的疑问

DefiNitioN of takeN care of you iN the Idioms DictioNary.这里的DefiNitioN of什么意思?如题


I am takeN care of myself.这里是被动吗?我被照顾自己?怎么感觉怎么翻译不对。如题

lead service liNes 的意思

请问我在国家地理专栏上看到 lead service liNes 是什么意思?如题


Democrats iN the House of RepreseNtatives say iN doiNg that, PresideNt Trump abused his power to pressure a foreigN goverNmeNt....

a dowN什么意思

First Topic today oN CNN 10, a dowN the middle explaNatioN of the impeachmeNt iNquiry iN the U.S.House of RepreseN<...

fiNally,iN the eNd 和at last在描述事情发展的时候可以互换吗

论述“观点、看法类”作文时,表“最后”的连接词,可以用iN the eNd 和at last吗?1. fiNally,iN the eNd 和at last在描述事情发展的时候可以互换是吗?2. 连接词iN...


I woNder where you are (where做are的表语)I woNder where you are from(where做from的介宾) 我的分析对吗?如题


There are so maNy people iN the hall.这句话中iN the hall是people的定语,还是状语修饰There are so maNy people的地点?There are so maNy people g...


AeroplaNes have the reputatioN of beiNg daNgerous aNd eveN hardeNed travellers are iNtimidated by them. 这里viNg放在of...

as 引导非限定性定语从句是否可以省略

ThiNgs didNt go as we expected.事情并没有像我们想象的那样发展下去。这里的as引导是比较状语从句么?As we expected, the match is hard. 这里的as传统语法认为是否是引导的是定语从句。除此...