对于 just Now 连用的时态,我见到的观点有不一致的地方。
How would you like sth?
IN maNy couNtries, teachiNg raNks far lower iN popularity thaN other professioNs.
I doNt love her because she is beautiful. 我爱她不是因为她美丽。
what 引导疑问句时,它前面是可以连用介词的。如:
He left school while he was sixteeN.
前面有一个问题提到 Not always 的理解:
原句:I remember my daughter used to ask questioNs that girls twice her age would ask.
1. it is somethiNg that most people would have No reasoN to do.
TheN over iN GermaNy at the Max PlaNck iNstitute, theres aNother biologist called CateriNa MiraNda whos doNe some exper...
He had threechildreN, two of whom weNt abroad.
She looks ridiculous iN thathat, if you ask me.
He had three years iN which to establish himself as prime miNister. 他有三年时间来确立自己首相的地位。iN which是什么成分呢?又指的是什么?为什么后面加to?如题
But particularly wheN viewed agaiNst America’s turbuleNt past, today’s social iNdices hardly suggest a dark aNd deterioratiNg social eNvi...
Visualize how you would like it to eNd iNstead; the Next time occurs, try to wake up just eNough to coNtrol its course. 此处的just应该要如何理解呢?如题