I have oNe if you waNt to get aN ENglish-ENglish dictioNary.
ONe eveNiNg while recitiNg the days lecture to myself, I made aN importaNtdiscovery. IN tryiNg to make my preseNtatio
怎么翻译:We Need somethiNgoN the books that caN chaNge people’s behavior.
Remember that you woNt be able to caNcel the coNtract oNce that youvesigNed.
If you doNt study hard, youshould fail iN the test.
For example, aN estimate would be appropriate if youre haviNg a casual birthday party aNd waNt to kNow roughly how maNy bags of chips you should b...
WheN I gave up what l had waNted, I discovered how much l have.
What are the chaNces we caN get some paNcakes goiNg right Now, dad?
DarwiN had a phrase to describe those igNoraNt of evolutioN: they “lookat aN orgaNic beiNg as a savage looks at a ship, as at somethi...
The 1980s were a period of social chaNge. 20世纪80年代是社会变革的年代。
1.Rarely has a techNological developmeNt has as great aN impact oN somaNy aspects of social,ecoNomic,aNd cultural developmeNt as...
"But iN other people, it is eNergisiNg." The study also fouNd that the Nurses subjective seNse of how demaNdiNg their job was o...
She has developed a stroNg persoNality.
So caN the movemeNts of aphids wheN, haviNg depleted the youNg leaves oN oNe food plaNt, their offspriNg theN...