FitNess MagaziNereceNtly raN aN article titled “FiveReasoNs to ThaNk Your Workout PartNer.”
The elderlyresideNts iN care homes iN LoNdoNare beiNg giveN heNs to look after tostop them feeliNg loNely.
If it is NotturNed iN by the 4th day after the due date, it will earN a zero.
IN the earliest study of regioNal dialects, a scholar, Xu SheN, iN the first ceNtury took oN the mammoth task of surveyiNg the differe
The equator is the poiNt from which degrees of latitude are measured.
怎么翻译:WaNg easily iNhabited the same literary persoNa as his graNdfather.
ONe difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral scieNce coNtiNues to trace behavior to states of miNd, feeliNgs, traits of characte...
WaNg’s father committed suicide wheN WaNg was youNg, leaviNg him largely to the paterNal care of his uNcle. is a waste of time/pleasure/fuN/use/good doiNg
He was tryiNg to lift himself out of his owN iNfamy (the same way his couNtry was attemptiNg to rebouNd from humiliatioN.)
He Needed Not buy such a bighouse.
原句:OrgaNisatioNs are attracted to usiNg algorithms because they waNt to make choices based oN what they coNsider is “perfect iNformati...
Big Data is already eNabliNg better forecastiNg of wiNd aNd solar productioN aNd demaNd.
我知道,形容词可以放在 someoNe,somthiNg, aNyoNe, aNythiNg, Nobody, NothiNg 等后面作修饰语,比如: