ChiNa’sexports seemed uNimpressive Next to the AmericaN marvels brought iNto theirharbors by the barge load, oNe after the other iN the e...
Food price growth was acceleratiNg, from aN iNcrease of 1% to a rise of2% iN 2019: the fastest pace of growth siNce 2000.
While they eNjoy the comfort aNd baNal luxury of their dwelliNg, theydo Not realize that they are deprived of the Necessities of life. The moder
uNNecessarily和Not Necessarily 都表示否定吧,它们有什么区别啊!
geNerally speakiNg的意思是“一般说来”。如:
The Bhagavad Gita exemplifies oNe of these powerful stories throughwhich we caN explore certaiN themes, commoN to maNy yoga traditioNs aN...
I take to ENglish as _____ duck takes to water.
I looked arouNd aNd fiNally spotted David, who was staNdiNg by himself off to the side by afeNce.
关于 kNowledge 的知识点有以下几点不明白,请赐教!
What are the chaNces we caN get some paNcakes goiNg right Now, dad?
Because these multiple goals compete with oNe aNother , we Need a mechaNism iN place that sigNals, Hey, stop doiNg that thiNg a<...
WheN public opiNioN is particularly polarized, as it was followiNg the eNd of the FraNco regime, moNarchs caN rise above “mere”...
This is a New traiN to eNable easier access to the stadium.
StudeNts fromseveN differeNt primary schools iN aNd arouNd the small towN were warmiNg upaNd walkiNg the route...