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He is just a five-year-old boy.This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out.I need just one minute.I just need one minute.请问如何判断just是修饰名词的还是修饰副词的还是数词?如题


除了who,where原本含有的表达疑问的含义(问谁,问地点等),在引导宾语从句时,可否表示...的人这样的意思呢?比如: It is of urgency to appeal who are living in the wealth and advanced countries to donate...

They had each his own problem这句话对吗


如何理解比较分句as it takes days to do the journey 不缺成分gap

Aeroplanes carry passengers to various parts of the world in almost as many hours as it takes days to do the journey by other means.,我看不出比较分句as it takes days to do the journey by other means....

have done/have been done的区别

Whats the difference between "have been done " and "have done"?The difference is whether active / passive.======== ========Lets first see the uses of “been” in English and then we ca...

eat healthier 的说法对吗

Reaserch shows kids eat healthier when they regularyly share meals with their familis. eat healthier这个表达不对吧?动词能直接加形容词吗?或者改为more healthily吗?如题


(On) (the) doctors instruction before taking the medicine. (服药前请看一看医嘱。)用不用the,我觉得应和该用,但the是修饰doctor还是instruction?为什么?谢谢!如题


Paintings are static. The uniqueness of the experience of looking at a painting repeatedly—over a period of days or years—is that, in the midst of flux, the image remains changeless. Of course the sig...


She was very surprised by what he had said.这个句子明明是被动语态,为什么还用 very 修饰过去分词呢?这与语法书上讲的不一致吧!求指点。如题

good luck to / in / on / with 的区别

My friends wished me good luck ______ my driving test.A. to B. in C. on D. with答案是 D。为什么其他几个不可以呢?如题


请教,与现在事实想反的虚拟语气的主句的would, could, might, should有何区别?我知道would指设想的结果,could表示可能性和能力,might表可能性,should表示应该。仅仅这么简单吗?谢谢。如题

用 doing 和 of doing 作后置定语的区别

The date is close to that of the introduction of printing into England by William Caxton. 我觉得这里的printing into England by theWilliam Caxton可以做introduction的后置定语,为什么要加of呢?如题

that of 与 those of 比较

Few pleasures can equal _____ of a cool drink on a hot day. A.thatB.those 为什么不可以选those?如题

as calmly什么成分

He felt sweat on his forehead,but he took the violin from the wall as calmly as if he were a welcome visitor. as calmly修饰谁?as if是连接词吗?如题


新牛津词典里lay 的一条动词解释是:work out (an idea or suggestion) in detail ready for use or presentation.这里ready for use or presentation是状语,但是ready一般都是形容词。是不是只有特定的形容词可以...

Several parents spoke of requests for work being i

请问 这句话里bing ignored or refused 做什么成分?这句话怎么怎么翻译好我的理解是现在分词形式做work 的定语 但是怎么翻译起来感觉怪怪的像是话没说完整,应该不对。求解答 谢谢。如题