
性别: 注册于 2023-01-19

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subject to availability是什么意思

We offer scholarships to low-income schools and youth organizations,?subject to availability.?参考译文:情况允许的话我们会向低收入学校和青年组织提供奖学金。备注(1):subject to availability为形容词短语作状语,修饰谓语动词offer备注(2):subject?to?受...管制;受制于;取决于?subject?to?availability只有在...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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蛋糕就是把面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋混合到一起制作而成的。【1】The flour,milk and eggs are mixed/mingled/mixed?together to make a cake.【2】Mixed/Mingled/Blended together, the flour ,milk and eggs can make a cake.【3】Cakes are made from the mixture of the flour, milk and eggs.【4】Blend/Mix/Mingle the flour,...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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full, busy(忙)有区别吗

【1】full ?adj.忙的;有很多活动的?(英文解释:involving a lot of activities)He'd had a very full life .他度过了一个经历丰富的人生。His life was too full to find time for hobbies.他的生活太忙,没有业余爱好的时间。The doctor has a very full day before him.医生的日程安排得满满的。【2】busy ?adj.忙碌的;...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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Since the early nineteen-seventies the Democratic Party has almost completely identified itself with the agenda of the cultural Left (considerably less so with other Left positions, such as those on economic or foreign policy).这句话说the Democratic Party认为自己在文化上为left position,括号中更是...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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parking, place, parking place(停车位)的区别

【一】停车场:指供汽车集中停放的一片开阔区域。【1】parking lot: 为美式英语中停车场最常用的表达。【2】car park:? 为英式英语中停车场最常用的表达。备注:停车场还可以用parking area表示。【二】停车位:指的是停车场内,或道路两边/两旁划分出来停放单独车辆的多个相邻的小块区域并通常划上白线和黄线。【1】parkin...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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What he enjoys is...后面接动词用什么形式

【1】The machine needs repairing.备注:强调以上句子谓语动词needs的宾语内容(repairing)就是下面句子What the machine needs is repairing.【2】They need more time.【对应宾语提问:What do they need:改为陈述语序名词性从句What they need】备注:强调以上句子谓语动词need的宾语内容(more time)就是下面句子What t...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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零冠词用于抽象名词可以表示实指全体如:Knowledge is power.抽象名词Knowledge前用了零冠词,这里的“知识”指在所有的知识,即知识的全体,有全体概念,又有范围不确定(物理、数学、化学、文学、哲学等等没有说)的含义,既有全体又有范围不确定,有意味着不定全体实指含义。零冠词用于抽象名词可以表示实指部分,但是这个...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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in fall 与 in the fall(在秋季)到底能不能省略冠词

“在秋季”,说?in fall 和 in the fall 都可以。其他季节也是如此。例如:in fall:1. These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. ?这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙。来自《简明英汉词典》2. Grasshoppers die in fall. ?蚱蜢在秋天死去。来自《简明英汉词典》3. It doesn't rain a lot in fall, b...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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【1】He【主语】//?gave【谓语动词】//?me 【间接宾语】a cake【直接宾语】.【2】I 【主语】//was given【谓语动词】//?a cake【直接宾语】//?by him【状语】【3】A cake【主语】//was given【谓语动词】//?to me【对象状语】//?by him【状语】?【1】He provided me a cake.【错误】【2】He provided a cake for me.【正确...

回答于 2023-01-30 19:56

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回答于 2023-01-30 19:56